Wednesday, July 31, 2013

87 Monte Carlo update 7/31/13

After a car sits for so long (2 years in this case) you tend to find a lot of things that need fixing. After solving my starter problem in my previous post, I ordered new plugs, wires, battery, and did an oil change. On my way home from work with the car I noticed that the temp gauge kept climbing by the time I got home it was on the curve of overheating. I planned to take the car to Pittsburgh the following day so I quickly searched for a solution. I had it narrowed down to either the fan clutch or the thermostat. I che odd the thermostat first and to my surprise it had no thermostat at all. After a quick run to the parts store and back it was in. I took my trip to Pittsburgh and I nervously watched the gauge the whole trip. It never claimed over 200.

More updates to come!
Thanks for reading!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Chevy Small Block Starter Problem

Ever since I bought my 87 Monte Carlo LS I have had a problem with my starter. Shortly after I got the car home the starter started grinding. I quicy replaced it thinking at the time that it was just an old starter and the teeth where worn. I installed starter #2 and it worked like a dream until I took it to a car show and when I went to leave the grinding returned. One of the other guys there said I probably needed to shim the starter. After I got home I crawled under the car with some shims and only to find that the starter chewed the teeth off the flywheel and starter. I went to the local auto parts store and bought starter #3. After installing a spare flywheel and starter #3 with shims the starter worked perfectly...until I decided to take the car to my high school prom. I stopped at the store and when I came back out to go to the prom the starter just spun without even touching the flywheel. I had it towed home and that's where it set for the past 4 years. With my wedding coming up in a moth I thought it would be nice to get it running again. I got it jacked up and took the old starter off to find the problem. One of the bolt holes where cracked. I felt sick, thinking the block was junk. After doing some research I found there are some solutions. I bought a new starter, a support bracket and an extra long bolt. I drilled out the hole in the block and ran a tap through it. I fitted up the starter and put the longer bolt into the freshly tapped hole and attached the bracket to the block and starter. After finding a battery that wasn't dead in the garage I tried to start it. 2 tries and it started right up. I took it up the road and back to find a gas and coolant leak but after starting the car several time the starter is still holding up.

Stay tuned for more updates about all my other vehicles.
Thanks for reading!